Tag Archives: Cheese cake

Wickedly Delicious Cheese Cake

This is a delish no-bake cheese cake recipe my sis shared with me. The cake is also gelatin-free. It is from the blog esite Suklaapossu, a Finnish blogger at Kotiliesi.fi. She calls this ‘törkeen hyvä juustokakku’ and tells about the different versions in her blog.

I made two versions to a party last weekend. One low-lactose and one normal. The cake is really easy and quick to make, and you prepaid it the day before. Everyone loved it. The two cakes were just right för the 17 of us.

For one cheese cake you will need:

100 g biscuits and 75 g white chocolate

Filling: 1 -1,5 dl sugar, 2,5 cream (low-lactose), 400 g Mascarpone (lactose-free), zest of one lemon, 4 tbsp lemon juice

Grease a cake tin with a removable sides. Set some baking paper on the sides.

Crush the biscuits in a paper bag and mix with melted chocolate. Put this in the cake tin.

Whip the cream and sugar. Stir in the cheese. Add the lemon juice and zest. Pour in the cake tin.

Refridgerate overnight or at least för six hours. Decorate with berries and grated lemon zest.


Filed under Dessert, Recipes

Easter Lunch

It has been a wonderful day. The small house full of people and laughter. We had  some of the family over for a long lunch. I lost myself in the entertaining and hence so very few pictures.

The lamb we had gotten from a local farmer was delish. I marinated the it for  12 hrs in rosemary, garlic, olive oil, salt and a cup of espresso, and cooked it slowly in 150 C until  57 C. The beluga lentils, roasted tomato and salsa verde melted in the mouth. The cheesecake my sis-in-law brought was the best ever.

I had planned with orange-ginger juice with roasted nuts, orange marinated olives and hazelnut salami as appetizers. Turned out well too.


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Filed under cooking and life in general, Lunch, Recipes